I am dedicated to supporting your journey through PCOS with personalized hormone balancing solutions. My aim is to gently restore your body’s natural balance, uplift your well-being, and enhance your quality of life as you navigate this challenging condition.


I am dedicated to supporting your journey through PCOS with personalized hormone balancing solutions. My aim is to gently restore your body’s natural balance, uplift your well-being, and enhance your quality of life as you navigate this challenging condition

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PCOS Symptoms

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Understanding Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

As a woman, I am committed to supporting other women navigating the complexities of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). I understand that dealing with PCOS women can be challenging, and we are here to provide you with the care and guidance you need to manage this condition effectively. This page is dedicated to helping you understand PCos, recognize its signs, and explore treatment options that cater to holistic and hormonal balance approaches.

Hormone Balnacing for PCOS Relief
Woman sitting in a fitness studio with her yoga class
hormone balancing in los angeles
Multiracial women doing yoga exercise with social distance for coronavirus outbreak at park outdoor - Healthy lifestyle and sport concept

What is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome PCOS in Women?

PCOS is a common hormonal disorder among women of reproductive age. It is characterized by a combination of symptoms and biochemical signs that may impact various aspects of health and can significantly affect a woman’s hormonal balance, metabolism, and reproductive system. The condition is primarily known for its association with irregular menstrual cycles, high levels of androgens (male hormones), and polycystic ovaries.

Signs of PCOS in Women

The signs of PCOS can vary significantly from one woman to another but typically include several of the following:

  • Irregular Menstrual Cycles: Delayed, irregular, or very light periods.
  • Excess Androgen: High levels of male hormones may result in physical signs such as excess facial and body hair (hirsutism), severe acne, and male-pattern baldness.
  • Polycystic Ovaries: Enlarged ovaries containing numerous small cysts can be detected via ultrasound.
  • Weight Gain: Many women with PCOS may experience difficulty managing their weight, particularly around the abdomen.
36 Services

What is Hormone Balancing?

Hormone balancing involves the adjustment and regulation of hormone levels in the body to ensure they are within optimal ranges. Hormones play a crucial role in regulating various bodily functions, including metabolism, mood, energy levels, and reproductive health. An imbalance can lead to a variety of health issues such as fatigue, weight gain, mood swings, and more.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Causes

The exact cause of PCOS is not well understood, but several factors are thought to influence its development:

  • Genetic Predisposition: PCOS often runs in families, suggesting a significant genetic component.
  • Insulin Resistance: Many women with PCOS have insulin resistance, leading to higher insulin levels that may boost androgen production, worsening the symptoms.
  • Inflammation: Women with PCOS commonly have increased levels of inflammation in their body, which is believed to contribute to insulin resistance.

PCOS Diagnosis

Diagnosing PCOS involves several steps. Our approach includes a detailed medical history, physical examination, and various tests. These may include:

  • Blood Tests: To measure hormone levels, glucose tolerance, and insulin levels.
  • Ultrasound: To check the appearance of your ovaries and the thickness of the lining of your uterus.

Diagnosis typically follows the Rotterdam criteria, which require two of the following three to be present: polycystic ovaries, irregular ovulation, and high androgen levels.

PCOS Natural Treatment

I advocate for a holistic approach to managing PCOS, which includes:

  • Dietary Changes: A PCOS treatment diet focuses on whole foods, high fiber, and anti-inflammatory foods to manage weight and reduce insulin levels.
  • Exercise: Regular physical activity can help improve insulin resistance and reduce weight.
  • Stress Management: Techniques such as yoga, meditation, and mindfulness can help manage PCOS symptoms by reducing stress.

Hormone Treatment for PCOS

Hormonal treatments may also be necessary to manage PCOS symptoms. These can include:

  • Birth Control Pills: To regulate menstrual cycles and reduce androgen levels.
  • Anti-Androgens: These medications can help reduce excessive hair growth and acne.
  • Insulin-Sensitizing Drugs: Such as metformin, can help improve insulin resistance and may aid in weight loss.

Each treatment plan is tailored to your specific symptoms and health goals, ensuring that you receive the most appropriate and effective care.

Why Choose Us?

  • Expertise: Our team consists of experienced professionals specializing in hormone health.
  • Personalized Care: We tailor our services to meet your unique needs.
  • Holistic Approach: We consider all aspects of your health to provide effective solutions.
  • Comprehensive Solutions: We offer a range of treatments, including natural and medical options.
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How Can We Help?

Living with PCOS can be overwhelming, but with the right support and treatment strategies, many women successfully manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life. I am dedicated to helping you achieve hormonal health and well-being. If you suspect you have PCOS or are struggling with symptoms, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with us. My team is here to guide and support you with personalized care. Contact us today to start your journey to a healthier, more balanced life. Your well-being is our priority, and we look forward to assisting you every step of the way.


PCOS affects approximately 10% of women of reproductive age, making it one of the most common hormonal disorders among women. It is a significant condition in women’s health due to its implications on fertility and overall well-being.

Yes, women with PCOS can and do get pregnant. While PCOS is one of the leading causes of infertility due to issues with ovulation, many women successfully conceive with the right treatment and lifestyle modifications.

The chances of getting pregnant with PCOS vary significantly depending on individual factors like age, weight, and the severity of the condition. With appropriate interventions, such as lifestyle changes and medical treatments that stimulate ovulation, many women see an improvement in their fertility.

Treating PCOS effectively requires a multifaceted approach. We often recommend a combination of lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments, and medical therapies. Medications may include hormonal contraceptives to regulate menstrual cycles or metformin to improve insulin sensitivity. In some cases, fertility treatments may be necessary to aid conception.

If you suspect you have PCOS, look for symptoms such as irregular menstrual cycles, excessive hair growth, acne, and weight gain. A diagnosis is typically confirmed through a combination of physical exams, blood tests to check hormone levels, and ultrasound scans to observe the ovaries.

Yes, one of the symptoms of PCOS is weight gain, especially around the waist. This is often due to insulin resistance, which is commonly associated with PCOS. Managing weight can be challenging but is crucial for improving overall symptoms.

Weight loss with PCOS can be achieved through a combination of a balanced, low-glycemic diet and regular exercise. Many women benefit from tailored dietary advice and structured exercise programs. In some cases, we also recommend medical treatments to improve insulin metabolism, which can aid weight loss efforts

Yes, PCOS can lead to hair thinning and hair loss on the scalp, a condition known as androgenic alopecia. This is due to higher levels of androgens in the body, which are typical with PCOS.

Many women find success in reversing hair loss by targeting insulin resistance and reducing androgen levels. This can be achieved through diet, exercise, and natural supplements like zinc and biotin, which are known to support hair health.

Natural treatment for PCOS includes managing diet, increasing physical activity, and incorporating holistic therapies like acupuncture. Supplements such as inositol, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids may also help balance hormones and improve symptoms.

The best diet for managing PCOS is one that helps manage insulin levels and reduces inflammation. This typically includes a high-fiber, low-sugar diet rich in whole foods. Foods with a low glycemic index (GI) are particularly beneficial, as they do not cause sharp spikes in blood sugar

Yes, PCOS is classified as a hormonal disorder. It involves an imbalance of hormones that affects ovarian function, including the production of excess androgens, which are male hormones that all women produce in small amounts.

Balancing hormones in PCOS involves a comprehensive approach that may include dietary changes, exercise, stress management, and medical interventions like hormonal birth control or anti-androgen medications. Each woman’s treatment plan is personalized to address her specific symptoms and overall health needs.

At Cherillyn Hormone Balance and Holistic Weight Loss, we specialize in providing comprehensive and holistic PCOS treatment tailored to meet the unique needs of women with PCOS across Woodland Hills, Calabasas, Tarzana, Encino, West Hills, Sherman Oaks, and the greater Los Angeles area. We understand the complexities of PCOS and offer a multidisciplinary approach to manage and alleviate symptoms effectively.

LA California

In Woodland Hills, we offer specialized care for women with PCOS, focusing on holistic pcos treatment methods that address both the symptoms and root causes of PCOS. Our team uses a combination of lifestyle modifications, nutritional counseling, and hormonal therapies to help manage the condition effectively, improving your overall health and fertility.

Our Calabasas clinic is dedicated to advancing PCOS management with the latest in treatment technologies and holistic health practices. We provide personalized care plans that include dietary adjustments, supplements, and exercise routines specifically designed for women with PCOS, helping you to lead a balanced and healthy life.

In Tarzana, we understand the impact of PCOS on women’s health and offer comprehensive support services that include medical treatment, psychological counseling, and support groups. Our holistic approach ensures that you receive the full spectrum of care needed to manage your symptoms and enhance your well-being.

Our Encino location offers expert PCOS treatment with a focus on holistic methods that balance hormones naturally. We explore all aspects of health in our treatments, including emotional and physical well-being, to provide the most effective care possible for women dealing with PCOS.

At our West Hills clinic, we provide tailored holistic PCOS treatment plans that are designed to reduce symptoms such as weight gain, menstrual irregularity, and insulin resistance. Our team works closely with you to develop a treatment plan that fits into your lifestyle and meets your specific health needs.

In Sherman Oaks, we offer innovative PCOS care solutions that utilize both traditional and alternative therapies to treat the disorder. Our approach focuses on restoring hormonal balance and improving metabolic health, aiming for long-term relief and improved quality of life.

Serving the entire Los Angeles area, our clinics are renowned for their comprehensive and empathetic approach to treating PCOS. We are committed to providing you with the highest level of care, whether you are newly diagnosed or have been managing PCOS symptoms for years.